I love finding activities that will encourage learning, and Lucas is a very visual based learner. He enjoys storylines, challenges and interactive activities, and for me K5 Learning ticked these three boxes.
How it Works
Kids complete an online assessment of 8 key reading and math skills, and then work independently at their own pace through over 3,000 online lessons and activities. The lessons are animated, interactive and simple enough that a 4-5 year old can use them independently, but the lessons are also comprehensive enough for children up to grade 5 ( or Year 6 in New Zealand). Lessons are automatically chosen for students (based on their assessment and past lessons), and the website will track student progress and provide reports for parents.
Lucas is four and a half, and so these lessons were very easy for him to pick up. He quickly learnt how to navigate the homepage, and he was excited to choose which lesson to try each time. He had a choice of four lessons as K5 Learning focuses on Reading, Math, Math Facts (recall) and Spelling.
As part of this program, an assessment was undertaken for Lucas' ability so that the lessons could be tailored to his needs. This is the part that I felt personally helped me the most as a parent. We all think our child is bright and sometimes cannot be sure what aspects of learning they struggle with, so to get honest and impartial feedback was important for me. The assessment results came through promptly, as well as this wonderful note:
"Lucas has done exceptionally well on his assessment, scoring well above his grade level in all skill areas. To be conservative, we do not automatically place kids more than one level above their nominal grade level. In Lucas’s case, this may not be sufficient, and we would like to adjust the placement based on your feedback."
Talk about a proud mum moment! This has allowed me to focus more on math based learning throughout Lucas' day, and also help him in the areas he was not confident with. I appreciated the opportunity to provide further feedback if needed, and it was reassuring to see that Lucas is developing the necessary knowledge required for school.
Lucas has specifically asked to do certain modules- he really loved the assessment as well and wanted to do it over again to see the spaceman! It is nice to know that he is actually learning something, as screen time is such an important topic of debate lately and I feel that at least this way Lucas can be engaged and thinking even though he is on the computer. I can also sit with him and talk about what each problem is if he has any questions, yet he is also able to do the lessons without help.
We still enjoy learning from books, outdoor activities and day to day play, however I feel that K5 Learning has a place in my household to help Lucas learn the skills he needs for when he starts school early next year. I was impressed by the layout and ease of use, and Lucas himself enjoyed it, which is the most important part. It is no use trying to provide educational opportunities for children if they are not interested, and this program is suitable for my boisterous boy as it does appeal to his curiosity.
Talk about a proud mum moment! This has allowed me to focus more on math based learning throughout Lucas' day, and also help him in the areas he was not confident with. I appreciated the opportunity to provide further feedback if needed, and it was reassuring to see that Lucas is developing the necessary knowledge required for school.
Lucas has specifically asked to do certain modules- he really loved the assessment as well and wanted to do it over again to see the spaceman! It is nice to know that he is actually learning something, as screen time is such an important topic of debate lately and I feel that at least this way Lucas can be engaged and thinking even though he is on the computer. I can also sit with him and talk about what each problem is if he has any questions, yet he is also able to do the lessons without help.
We still enjoy learning from books, outdoor activities and day to day play, however I feel that K5 Learning has a place in my household to help Lucas learn the skills he needs for when he starts school early next year. I was impressed by the layout and ease of use, and Lucas himself enjoyed it, which is the most important part. It is no use trying to provide educational opportunities for children if they are not interested, and this program is suitable for my boisterous boy as it does appeal to his curiosity.
K5 Learning is available on a subscription basis for $25/month or $199/year with substantial discounts for siblings. Each subscription includes a free math and reading assessment and unlimited use of each of K5’s four programs, K5 Reading, K5 Math, K5 Spelling and K5 Math Facts. A 14 day free trial is available.
Click below to take advantage of a 14 day FREE trial to try K5 Learning for yourself!

NB: This post contains affiliate links. I was asked to provide a review in exchange for a trial of this product- however I only recommend products I know you will love and enjoy too!
Well done Lucas!