First up was a Pirate Breakfast- Lucas didn't eat much of his due to feeling sick though.

The rest of Thursday's activities didn't happen- I had planned a Treasure Hunt with gold coins but Lucas was in full on man-flu mode!
Friday was slightly better, and so we decided to do a special Pirate Dinner. When my husband got home, we dressed up in pirate gear and played a game while dinner was in the oven.

I had this super cute Canvas Party Game from Stuck On You that was perfect for Talk Like A Pirate celebrations!

The canvas game comes with some parrots that you have to stick on the pirate's shoulder, and the game can be played over and over again. It is also customisable so you can put any sentence or name on the top of the game. We used a dress up pirate blindfold and away we went.

Lucas got the hang of the game quite quickly- we had two parrots each and had to spin around before placing them on the canvas.

It was very close- but the general consensus was that my husband won the game with his orange parrot!

Even Adam got into the Pirate spirit- he makes a cute Captain.

We settled down to eat homemade fish and chips and watch a great Pirate Movie- Peter Pan.

Did you do anything fun for Talk Like A Pirate Day?