Friday, September 9, 2016

Dinosaur Week for preschoolers

Continuing on my weekly themes for my four year old, we recently spent a week looking at dinosaurs.

Adam loves art and craft activities, so we made our own triceratops. We started by painting a small egg carton piece with green sparkle paint.

We used a cupcake liner for the ruffle, googly eyes, and a popsicle stick cut into three pieces for the horns.

As you can see, green and dinosaurs are popular in this household!

We also excavated our own dinosaur from an egg (purchased here) and it took us a good hour to retrieve the dinosaur from within- a great way to keep the boys occupied although I had a go too!

We then washed the excavated dinosaur and talked about which species it could be.

Some dinosaur dot-to-dot printables were a fun activity for both boys to do after school.

I cut out some different shapes from green cardstock and we played dinosaur Tangrams.

My six year old really enjoyed this activity, and spent ages making different animals from the shapes. Yes, he has dinosaur pajamas too!

Our family movie night was The Good Dinosaur, and I had purchased a kid's magazine that luckily had this Dino-Flake activity included.

It also had a dinosaur Peppa Pig workbook, which came in very handy!

We read the Dinosaurumpus book together and played the Listen & Move game during a wet day.

Dinosaur week was a big success with both boys!

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