Sunday, May 17, 2015

Music that will make your Housework fun!

I am in the mindset that if my house is clean, I feel more prepared. I have frequent visitors and most of my friends and family know that my cleaning routine is a work in progress, but I try to keep the house in a tidy state. This can be hard with two boys, and I don't put too much stress upon myself as usually five minutes after cleaning there will be handprints on the windows and the couch cushions will have been transformed into a spaceship.

image via The Berry
One of the things that does motivate me to do housework is using music. My 2 year old loves to dance around the house with me as I clean, and he knows my favourite songs. I thought I would share my current list of faves to make housework a lot more fun.

Happy by Pharrell Williams- how can you not clap along to this one? Great for folding clothes as the beat keeps my folding tempo perfectly.

Shake It Off by Taylor Swift- the adorableness of my son dancing to this song always gets me, and so he will bop along beside me and make the yucky jobs a bit sweeter. This song works very well for shaking the tablecloth outside.

On The Floor by Jennifer Lopez- If only I could use this song to encourage the boys to pick things up from OFF the floor! I find myself singing this with my own variations- "who spilt a whole tub of yoghurt on the floor" and " tonight I'm gonna have a clean floor"! Don't ask me to rap the middle bit though.

Cleaning Windows by Van Morrison- Even the title is motivating!

Dust Mite by Caspar Babypants- this is actually a kid's song by a fantastically talented artist, but it is so much fun to sing! My boys enjoy dancing along to this while I dust of course, and we try to find some dust mites floating when I finally get round to reaching the back of the cabinet.

Don't You Want Me by The Human League- some days I really do feel like a waitress, so at least I can lip-sync along to this song while listening to dinner demands. The Glee Cast version is also excellent.

Walking on Broken Glass by Annie Lennox- I hope I never actually have to walk on broken glass, but this is a favourite sing-a-long of mine, best done with a broom handle or other cleaning apparatus as a makeshift microphone.

I'd Rather Be In Love by Michelle Branch- this is a great wind down song, as most people would rather be doing anything than cleaning, but at least by now your house should be relatively clean.

Finally, I shall leave you with this gem. Shoop Shoop, Diddy Wop by Monte Video.
This song was performed by me and two of my high school friends when I was 15, where at the start we pretended to be cleaners "shooping" our brooms and then we busted out into this New Zealand brilliance. I only recently discovered that this song has a quite different meaning to how we interpreted it at 15 but it still brings back fond memories of my performance, and so I sing along to it in the hope that my kids will associate it with cleaning!

What songs motivate you to get out the duster and vaccuum?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so lazy and always just use my rock my run mixes for everything but they are upbeat so work! Just letting you know I nominated you for a blog award, you can find out more here: :)


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