Easter is now a month away, and I have rounded up some great ideas for kids that do not involve chocolate- and best of all, most of these are handmade or New Zealand made for that extra personal touch.
Easter is getting bigger in New Zealand, but I do not like to give my kids too much chocolate. The boys usually get one big chocolate egg, with some sort of book and toy attached, as well as a personalised letter from the Easter Bunny. Below are some of the items that I have been looking at for this year's Easter Bunny loot.
1. The Royal Doulton Bunnykins 3 Piece Set is a classic for any Kiwi kid, and these items are sure to be used. My youngest son received a Bunnkykins plate and cutlery set for his first Easter, and still uses them. These will last for years, and are a well known gift for new babies at Easter or any time.
2. These adorable Bunny Bibs are handmade and waffle backed, which is fantastic for baby spills!
3. When I saw these Knitted Hot Cross Buns I may have squealed, as they are super cute and would be fantastic for role play. My boys are loving hot cross buns for breakfast at the moment, so these will be a perfect addition to their play food.
4. Every new baby needs a cuddly soft toy, and the My First Peter Rabbit is perfect for a gift that will be appreciated for years to come. I still have my first bunny!
5. With winter approaching, this Babu Bunny Cotton Blanket is both practical and stylish. The soft colours make it ideal for a unisex baby gift, and littlies will enjoy cuddling up with this on the sofa when it is cold outside.
6. Crayons are always popular with toddlers, so why not get some Easter Bunny Crayons for little hands to easily grasp?
7. Books are another staple in our house, and the If I Were The Easter Bunny book has some amazing illustrations as well as a fun story that will be appreciated by children as well as the adults.
8. Lastly, these amazing Fabric Bunnies come in a variety of colours and patterns, and are handmade by the lovely Creative Mama right here in Christchurch.
Any of these options would be an amazing addition to an Easter basket, or perfect for a baby who isn't eating solids yet- although I know for my son's first Easter I didn't mind tasting the chocolate myself.
Which one of these gifts do you like the best? I would love to know what your Easter basket plans are for this year!
Those knitted hot cross buns are adorbs! My daughter has a felt tea set like the cookies, sandwiches and tea bags and she still plays with it!