Tuesday, June 3, 2014

No excuses- my Journey to a 10k

If you had told me a year ago that I would run the Christchurch Marathon 10 kilometre race (6.2 miles) yesterday, I would have laughed. I HATED running- the only times I tried it I ended up giving up after three minutes. However, as my readers will know, in January this year I joined a running club after my Dad brought me a long to a track session, and I also did the 5k Color Run in February. When I heard that my brother and Dad were doing the 10k and Half Marathon events for the Christchurch Marathon this year, I started to wonder how far I could push myself. My longest run had been 8 kilometres, and all of a sudden I started to think I could do more than that.

A little bit of back story is probably needed- I was born with a hip condition and it was thought that I would never walk. I used my hip as an excuse to get out of exercising, and finally I knew I needed to stop making excuses and start doing something about my weight. I lost 30 kilograms (done over 5 years and fluctuating a bit due to two pregnancies) and have maintained my weight for over a year now.

Running was the next step in keeping myself active- once I had lost the weight I needed a new challenge and something that I enjoyed. Running has filled that gap. I had been to gyms, done Zumba, and also buggy group fitness sessions, and I was ready to up my game a bit.

I entered the 10k event, but it didn't sink in until I went to pick up my race pack that the enormity of this event was larger than I had expected. The nerves started to kick in, and putting my race number on was almost surreal. I tried to take my mind off things by putting my Running Girl nails on and reading lots of books.

I was up at 5:45am to eat some breakfast and get ready to go.

So- there I was at the start yesterday, waiting with my Dad and brother.

If you can't tell, it was extremely cold! I had on so many layers, and even a beanie was required. There was a frost, and parts of the half marathon track were extremely icy. However, off we went and eventually I warmed up at about the 4 kilometre mark, where I saw some family members cheering me and my brother on. For part of the course I was running with my Dad and brother, the three of us in a row, and I remember thinking how awesome it was that the three of us were doing it together.

The course was nice and flat, and we even got to run alongside the runway of the airport on a maintenance track. I started to struggle as we turned onto this part, but I knew that the finish line was coming up and my family was waiting for me.

I was getting too hot by this stage, so off came my beanie but it wouldn't tuck into my pants so I had to carry it with me.

I kept up the pace with my brother right until the end, when he had enough energy left over for a sprint!

I was so pleased to see that finish line, and the rush I got afterwards was amazing. I saw my sons and husband after the race, and also stayed around to watch my Dad finish the half marathon.

It took all day to warm up after the race, so plenty of coffee and sunshine was required.

My dream goal was to do the 10 kilometre course in 55 minutes. During training, my times for a ten kilometre run had gone from 1:03 to 58 minutes and then to just over 56 minutes. When I saw this time I was so proud of myself. I am also extremely pleased with my placing in my age group.

I am not sure yet what my next running goal will be, as I am not sure if I want to go up to half marathons. I feel like I would be better off working on my pacing for ten kilometres, as I am concerned that anything over that might aggravate my hip or I may injure myself. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my Saturday runs.

Photos thanks to Bevan and my husband!


  1. Holy cow!!! Under an hour! You are amazing!!! Good job!!!!

  2. Your placing stats are bloody impressive, glad I managed to keep to a sub 55 min time for you to stick with. I was a little worried at the halfway point, 28 mins in, but we definitely picked up for the second half!

  3. Awesome and more awesome!!! :-)

  4. Wow Lauren! I can't believe you've gone from being a non-runner to running 10km in under an hour. Truly inspiring! Well done.

  5. I'm not convinced I'm a runner. My dodgy knee and lack of fitness would tell you otherwise. I've had a tough year health wise and just waiting for the all clear to get back into some form of exercise but really there is no excuse for not walking more. You have inspired me.

  6. Way to go! The important thing is to keep enjoying yourself... but I say a half marathon is totally doable. I went from being a non-runner to 5k to half marathon in the space of one year a few years ago, and now I'm hooked forever :)

  7. Well done you for persisting. I have a heart condition and so use those excuses. Last august I started my plan and I am now 8.5kg lighter. Still working on it - I think it will be like you - a 5 year plan!! thanks for the inspiration

  8. Congratulations thats a better pace than I did my first time last year. Set goals you're comfortable with, that will challenge you but no overwhelm you. Perhaps I'll see you out there next year.

  9. Congratulations thats a better pace than I did my first time last year. Set goals you're comfortable with, that will challenge you but no overwhelm you. Perhaps I'll see you out there next year.

  10. I wish you lived closer, we could be running buddies! I ran just a little over that at my last 10k and I was really, really proud of myself. Not sure if I'll ever run it that fast again, but I am going to try again this fall! Running is so great for you on so many levels, that is why I keep with it... even tho I hate it at times ;)

  11. Yay, well done! That is so awesome you achieved your goal!

  12. Thank you for linking up with us!!

  13. That is awesome!! Under an hour for a 10K is such an achievement! I think I'll stick with 5K's - anyone who can do anything more is a superperson in my book :) Thanks for visiting Sprinkles & Glitter and encouraging me on my journey!!!


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