Saturday, February 15, 2014

WIPocalypse 2014 February

I am ashamed to say I have only done one day of cross-stitching in the last four weeks- life has been so busy and I find it a lot easier to make a card or do some baking then pull out my cross stitch.

February's topic for WIPocalypse is talking about how many projects we have in progress at a time and our rotation or on-at-a-time habits.

As you can tell from my first post, I have no problem with having lots of different projects on the go! I think my problem is that I tend to want to complete a lot of bigger projects, which can sometimes overwhelm me a bit. I did a small Christmas one within a couple of weeks, but the birth samplers are 11x14 size and it can be cumbersome to get them out.

As of today, I have five works in progress. Usually I only have one or two, but as I mentioned, I came across my mother's stash and I am finishing them for her as well, which makes my project list bigger. Thankfully I have no immediate plans to buy any other cross stitch charts or kits, so I really need to get focused on finishing what I have started, as I am not comfortable having so many unfinished projects!

I will try to finish off my projects in the basis of importance, and then by how much is left to do. My first birth sampler is nearly complete, so that should be easy to finish. The second most important is the other birth sampler, which I need to have finished by July. If I can finish those two by then, I will be happy.

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