Tuesday, September 10, 2013

GIVEAWAY: $50 Westfield Voucher

I love to shop, and especially love buying myself new clothes. However, usually when I buy something new it ends up grubby in no time thanks to sticky toddlers, housework and day to day activities. Luckily, I have recently discovered Napisan and now I am wearing light coloured clothes more often. I even started wearing white pants!

Nothing quite beats that new clothes look, and Vanish products work on most stains, from the ones you can clearly see to those tiny ones you might miss before the wash. Trust pink, forget stains!

To help you get some new clothes (or anything else you might be wanting!) Vanish has kindly offered to give one of my blog readers a $50 Westfield Voucher. Simply like VanishNZ on Facebook and leave me a comment telling me your best stain removal tip. Entry is open to New Zealand residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!

*Disclosure: Some of the products mentioned here were provided to me in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. I also swear by Napisan in my wash. I use the liquid variety, dabbing a bit on any major stains before adding a capful to my load. For really messy loads, I let my machine fill up and then pause it, let it sit for about 20 minutes! Works every time!

  2. I have yet to use napisan but with the 3 months supply I just won I will be able to try it out. My best stain removal tip is to spray hairspay on stains to stop them processing as soon as it happens. Wash with your usual stain remover in the washing machine.

  3. A good soaking and worst case use a nail brush to get the stains out!

  4. Soaking is the best and using washing powder with stain remover in it - works a treat!!!

  5. I have always used napisan as it was something I saw my mum use as a child. I use it as a soaker, pre-treater and a boost in my wash for my whites.
    A stain tip that I have, is for an old Blood stain, that has gone to the old stain brown colour. Mix some cornflour and baking soda, into a paste, and gently rub into the stain, leaving a thin coating on for a while. When you are ready, you sponge it off lightly, and the brown should gently lift away. I was thinking that maybe a teaspoon or two of Napisan, may boost this tip, and make it a very effective stain removing process!!!

  6. The sun is my best stain remover. Works for baby poo or orange juice stains. Just expose stain to sunshine and stains magically disappear!

  7. I use the napisan soak, but the dab on is my fav. nothing can beat the sun though which gets out all sorts, works great on cloth nappies

  8. Breast milk stains! Though it doesn't show right away. My first sons lovely baby clothes were packed away for 8 years waiting for a little bubba to pass them on to. When I was washing the clothes for Nixon's arrival I could not believe how the stains had appeared over time. So, if you are planning on saving your baby clothes treat all spill stains immediately, even if they seem invisible as they will yellow over time and ruin those cute little outfits.


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