Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mother's Day Q&A

I saw a list of questions over at Storybook Reality of things to ask your children about their Mum. I knew some of the answers would be great, so I decided to document Lucas' answers about me on a digital scrapbook page. Here is a three year old's perspective of me!

Q&A with Lucas about his Mum.

What is my name? Mum Moore.  

How old is Mum? 7, or maybe 11. 

What does Mum like to do? Do lots of things with me.   

What does Mum like to eat? Chocolate, nuts and raisins. And muesli bars. I suppose that's it.  

What does Mum like to drink?  Water. 

What is Mum's favourite colour? Pink.

 What is Mum's favourite toy? Bowling skittles. 

What does Mum like to wear? Dresses. 

What do we like to do together?  Lots.  

Mum's house is... (he said our address here so I have blanked it out!)

What makes Mum smile? Me.  

What makes Mum sad?  Me going "pppfff" (blowing a raspberry). 

I love Mum because... Just because I do. 

Mommy loves me because... Just because you do!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! They are so cute!! Good ideas are meant to be stolen...so glad you have this memory now with your sweet boy :)


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