Friday, April 19, 2013

Mother's Day Giveaway

Mother's Day is coming up, and if you are anything like me you want to give your Mum something to let her know how much she means to you. I definitely appreciate my mother more now that I am older, and am amazed at how she was able to bring me up with my three siblings without losing her sanity! She is the first person I call if I am having a bad day, and I can't count how many times she has been my babysitter when I have had to go to the doctor or just need a break. I find it hard to express to my mum how much I appreciate her, and this is where Creative Memories comes in. They have created a cute spiral bound book for you to fill with words and photos. It has journaling prompts and ideas on what to write- always useful when the words won't flow!

Photo courtesy of Creative Memories.

The Simply Said- Mum, Love You book is a great gift for Mother's Day, and luckily I have one here that you can win! Simply follow the giveaway instructions below and you are in to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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