Thursday, April 11, 2013

Conference here I come!

Tomorrow night marks the start of the Bloggers Connecting conference here in Christchurch. I am super excited (it was even in the paper!) and also quite nervous.

I am going to be teaching a cardmaking tutorial, which I will post instructions for after the conference. I am also participating in the seminars and of course, all of the eating out options! Tomorrow night there is a supper and I hurriedly made a last minute eyebrow shape appointment today after catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I guess the thing I am most nervous about is being judged. After reading another blogger's experience with a blogging conference, I am worried that no-one will talk to me and that everyone will be sizing up how I look in my jeans. I only know one other blogger in real life and she is amazing, but I can't help but wonder what everyone else will think of me. I am surviving on 4 hours of sleep each night and have hardly any nice clothes that fit me, so I look like an unkempt zombie most days!

I think I am my own worst critic, and I hope I can overcome my trepidation and have a blast. There are rumours of onesie parties, free coffee and fellow bake-a-holics, so fingers crossed I fit in. My blog may not be the biggest or brightest, but it's something that I love to do.


  1. Lauren you are awesome!!!! I am amazed at how you do all that you do on that little sleep. I am just as excited as you are to meet everyone- eek! Now to decide what to and hope the boys don't touch me with grubby hands before I leave the house.

  2. It was such a pleasure chatting with you on Sunday afternoon as we walked around Christchurch.

    I guess we all felt nervousness at some stage on some level


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